Welcome to Cereal's Lair!

Home of the weird and funky.

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About Me!
Cool Stuff

Welcome to my website!! I'm currently still figuring things out so expect rapid changes to this place. Should I add more gifs? :3c

I'm still actively working on new pages to add here so make sure to drop by every now and then. I want to talk about and share a lot of things! I'll be opening my blog soon so I can post things there. The cool stuff link will be sort of similar to a blog but not quite. It's gonna be more of a microblog thing where I'll show off some cool software or share some art I find cool. Stay tuned!


Two things. First of all, it's my birthday!! Since it's my birthday I've decided I'm gonna take a different approach to this home page and I'm gonna start using it more for posting micro updates and whatnot. Yknow, whatever's on my mind that is short enough as a small blurb here instead of trying to develop longer posts for my blog. Secondly, I made a new entry over on the Cool Stuff page. It's about an app that helps you check the health of your drives. Cool stuff in deed. Speaking of Cool Stuff, I'm thinking of updating the layout of it sometime soon, I need to figure out a way to make it wrap properly which might be a fun challenge without any CSS and stuff.


Just under a day before a month of inactivity passed haha... Currently writing this update as a hurricane is about to pass over where I live which is totally awesome. Anyways, new Yamiko art at the WWW. It's actually from a few weeks ago loll I just havent had the time or energy to sit down and update the site but here we are.


Added a new art piece for nala in the WWW. Also, sorry for like no updates for 2 weeks... work has been a bitch ive barely had any energy to resume work on blogposts. I do have one half written about the time I spent a whole weekend using Linux so stay tuned for that! Aside from that, not sure what else to do on here. I did look into ways I could have like a guestbook or something like that... if anyone knows how to implement those and would like to give me a hand or point me in the right direction, shoot me an email at cerealsauce2@protonmail.com


While I went out of my way to request my website for archival in the wayback machine over on the internet archive, it seems someone recently decided to on their own archive my website in a place called archive.today. Ive never heard of that website but I came across it by reading an archived nintendo website page and got curious and typed in my url and there was a recent snapshot from a couple days ago?? Whoever you are, thank you :3


I updated the yam and nala pool artworks to be more compressed jpegs to save on space and bandwidth. Hopefully this helps those browsing on older hardware such as the Sega Dreamcast ;)


New blogpost! Decided to shake things up and show you all my cat!


Added an accompanying sketch to the Yamiko and Nala 8 ball match artwork that I COMPLETELY forgot to add despite having uploaded it to the assets folder on the same day I updated the listings lmaooo
(On the Wide Woman Web, God that name is so funny)


Added a new entry to cool stuff.


Sorry for the lack of updates on anything. It's been a rough week. Had a family member pass away and a lot of family came over and I would rather explode than let someone sleep on an air mattress. I let some of my family stay in my room and ive been living in the couch for a good while but this means I havent had access to my PC/desk which is where I enjoy working on this site the most. I'm currently working on some more cool stuffs so keep your eyes peeled for those. No blog this week.


Total website makeover! I have decided to stray further from God and continued my path down bad web design practices. I have now put tables inside tables. Enjoy the new layout!


New Nala sketch over on the WWW! It's super cute!!


New blogpost entry! Once again nothing really interesting. Just me yapping.


I got some HTC Vive Trackers in the mail today! Gonna be playing around with them and probably making a blogpost about em. Maybe. Probably :3


New blog post! I installed a new car radio with a ton of smart features. It's also my longest blog post to date!!


Added 2 new entries in the cool stuff page! More info over there! Always feel free to message me if you know some cool software or hardware you'd like to share.


New keyboard arrived! My hands dont feel infinte pain when typing now!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! AAAH!!!
New blog entry talking about the keyboard over at well... the blog!


Sorry there haven't been any updates recently. Working on this website has become increasingly painful. I dont know if I have some kind of RSI or carpal tunnel or whatnot but after a mere 10 minutes of using my current desktop keyboard my fingers start aching really bad. I ordered a new keyboard but it won't be here by at LEAST next month... Maybe I'll add more things to the cool stuff catalogue in the mean time since those are bite sized posts. I hope you are all well and if you see this make sure to shoot me a message on X (formerly known as twitter).



Also, the Blog is now open!! Feel free to check it out maybe, There's a couple entries already, nothin fancy tho. Also also added a secret somewhere across the website. Happy hunting!


Wide Woman Web has been updated with a new artwork, proceed at your own risk. Aside from that, work on the blog has not been going smoothly, I'm struggling to find a proper workflow for it, nor do I know which kind of menu layout would be best... I've been slacking a little...


Holy moly, 1000+ page views!! Its actually at 1,241 views at the time of writing but I've been busy and wasnt paying close attention.. BUT WE DID IT!! I didn't wanna just not acknowledge it!! I'm still working on the blog site so stay tuned!
(It's actually done I'm just focused on writing blogs for it. Can't open a blog if there's no blogs in the blogsite!)


Updated content entries in Cool Stuff page. More to come at a later date.


Opened up the Cool Stuff page!!


Cleaned up the file structure for the site. Wide Woman Web has been streamlined structure wise. Assets, html files, and folders have all been put together in the same subdirectory for ease of organization and further development. This same folder/file structure has been preconfigured for the blog and cool stuff pages, which I'll begin working on those soon!!