Welcome to the Wide Woman Web!

Please have a look around! I have all my OCs art in here!

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This is where I'll post about my OCs. There's an OC menu on the left and you can click the different entries to see art of them and a small character bio!

New summer pic for Yam. It came out super good I love it so much...

Added a new piece for Nala. I hope you like cars!

Added an accompanying sketch to the Yamiko and Nala 8ball match artwork that I COMPLETELY forgot to add despite having uploaded it to the assets folder on the same day I updated the listings lmaooo

Added new sketch work added to Nala directory! This was done by LittleJ as a quick practce sketch! It means so much to me that someone would draw my character completely unprompted... ToT please check it out!!! And check their twitter out too!!!

Added new comission work added to Yamiko and Nala directories as this new work features both of them in the same artwork!